Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Update - 29 May

Just a short one for today.  I am planning on getting your mind jogging tomorrow :)

Picture the scene:  A domestic worker is going on leave for a couple of weeks and has (with permission of her boss), got a friend to help while she is off.  She shows her how everything works including the Iron.

She shows her to dip her fingers in water and flick the water at the Iron - if it sizzles it is hot enough.  The next week the boss is home doing a guitar lesson, an he suddenly hears shrieks from the domestic worker.  He races to see what happened, she licked the Iron!!

By the way that is a true story and I should probably point out that I am a South African and a lots people were greatly disadvantaged and that she probably had no idea that there was such a device.

That's it for today.

Tomorrow I plan to chat about a well known and hated personalty.

Thanks for reading.
Daily Waffler

20 May

So yesterday was one of the most stressful days I've had in a while. It started with work which seemed to get busier and busier as the day went on. Then at Church I was leading worship. This has probably been the hardest practice yet...
It started with sound-check this took about 25 mins. Then our opening song was Hosanna - I See The King. We were not getting it - or was it just them? So I was on the verge of giving up - altogether - I decided to go on and come back if we had time. This I think was one of my wisest moves all night. The other songs went with fewer hitches than I expected and we got Hosanna at the end of practice - all while making adjustments to the sound, but changing it made no difference. It went back!!!
The service was good. So glad it was over - I do feel bad about saying that.
Monday - one man down at work - it feels like more...
The biggest and most frustrating issue was this Aunty who came with a paint sample and I had to match it up. It took 15-20mins!
Then she said - go ahead just mix it. I did and while it was in the mixer I told her the price R299 and she replied - that's far to much. Just leave it - I managed to get 5L from somewhere else and it was only R199. Sorry for wasting your time. But I won't take it.
Even though you may not know me - can you picture my frustration and then after lunch telling my boss?!? (Who by the way keeps telling me that I am costing him far too much money!!)
Thats my waffle for yesterday and today.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

18 May - First Waffle

Today - what a day!

Work started off slowly but got busier and busier!

I was asked to cut two pieces of glass - I hate cutting glass btw.

I was so proud of myself when I had a piece - yes I said two earlier - which was perfect right to the milimeter.  I was over the moon (it was a big deal for me - I had stuffed up so many pieces before [yes I do lead this sad a life that I get happy over a piece of glass]).

Then I gave the glass to the customer who said, 'I asked for two'.  Ahhhhhh!  I thought I would not jinks it so got a colleague to cut the second one for me.

That's my waffle for the day - nothing too exciting.

Thanks for reading.


Hey all!

Welcome to my blog :)  This is where I'll be posting my daily waffle, (probably just a diary).

Hope you enjoy!

Daily Waffler